nodes Package

nodes Package

nodes using the mdp-toolkit node interface

alignment Module

initialization - alignment of spike waveform sets

class AlignmentNode(nchan=4, max_rep=32, max_tau=10, resample_factor=None, cut_down=True, dtype=<type 'numpy.float32'>, debug=False)[source]

Bases: botmpy.nodes.base_nodes.ResetNode

aligns a set of spikes on the mean waveform of the set


Process the data contained in x.

If the object is still in the training phase, the function stop_training will be called. x is a matrix having different variables on different columns and observations on the rows.

By default, subclasses should overwrite _execute to implement their execution phase. The docstring of the _execute method overwrites this docstring.


artifact_detector Module

detector nodes for capacitative artifacts in multichanneled data

These detectors find events and event epochs on potentially multichanneled data signal. Mostly, you will want to reset the internals of the detector after processing a chunk of data. There are different kinds of detectors, the common product of the detector is the discrete events or epochs in the data signal.

DATA_TYPE: fixed for float32 (single precision)

class ArtifactDetectorNode(wsize_ms=15.0, psize_ms=(5.0, 10.0), wfunc=<function ones>, srate=32000.0, zcr_th=0.1, mindist_ms=10.0)[source]

Bases: botmpy.nodes.spike_detection.ThresholdDetectorNode

detects artifacts by detecting zero-crossing frequencies

For a zero-mean gaussian process the the zero-crossing rate zcr is independent of its moments and approaches 0.5 as the integration window size approaches infinity:

s_t \sim N(0,\Sigma)

zcr_{wsize}(s_t) = \frac{1}{wsize-1} \sum_{t=1}^{wsize-1}
{{\mathbb I}\left\{{s_t s_{t-1} < 0}\right\}}

\lim_{wsize \rightarrow \infty} zcr_{wsize}(s_t) = 0.5

The capacitive artifacts seen in the Munk dataset have a significantly lower frequency, s.t. zcr decreases to 0.1 and below, for the integration window sizes relevant to our application. Detecting epochs where the zcr significantly deviates from the expectation, assuming a coloured Gaussian noise process, can thus lead be used for detection of artifact epochs.

The zero crossing rate (zcr) is given by the convolution of a moving average window (although this is configurable to use other weighting methods) with the XOR of the signbits of X(t) and X(t+1).

execute(x, *args, **kwargs)

calls self._apply_threshold() and return the events found


returns the artifact fragmentation


return the index set that represents the non-artifact epochs

class SpectrumArtifactDetector(wsize_ms=8.0, srate=32000.0, cutoff_hz=2000.0, nfft=512, en_func='max_normed', overlap=1, max_merge_dist=6, min_allowed_length=2, **kw)[source]

Bases: botmpy.nodes.spike_detection.ThresholdDetectorNode

detects artifacts by identifying unwanted frequency packages in the spectrum of the signal

For a zero-mean gaussian process the the zero-crossing rate zcr is independent of its moments and approaches 0.5 as the integration window size approaches infinity:

s_t \sim N(0,\Sigma)

zcr_{wsize}(s_t) = \frac{1}{wsize-1} \sum_{t=1}^{wsize-1}
{{\mathbb I}\left\{{s_t s_{t-1} < 0}\right\}}

\lim_{wsize \rightarrow \infty} zcr_{wsize}(s_t) = 0.5

The capacitive artifacts seen in the Munk dataset have a significantly lower frequency, s.t. zcr decreases to 0.1 and below, for the integration window sizes relevant to our application. Detecting epochs where the zcr significantly deviates from the expectation, assuming a coloured Gaussian noise process, can thus lead be used for detection of artifact epochs.

The zero crossing rate (zcr) is given by the convolution of a moving average window (although this is configurable to use other weighting methods) with the XOR of the signbits of X(t) and X(t+1).

execute(x, *args, **kwargs)

calls self._apply_threshold() and return the events found


return the index set that represents the non-artifact epochs

base_nodes Module

abstract base classes derived from MDP nodes

class Node(input_dim=None, output_dim=None, dtype=None)

Bases: future.types.newobject.newobject

A Node is the basic building block of an MDP application.

It represents a data processing element, like for example a learning algorithm, a data filter, or a visualization step. Each node can have one or more training phases, during which the internal structures are learned from training data (e.g. the weights of a neural network are adapted or the covariance matrix is estimated) and an execution phase, where new data can be processed forwards (by processing the data through the node) or backwards (by applying the inverse of the transformation computed by the node if defined).

Nodes have been designed to be applied to arbitrarily long sets of data: if the underlying algorithms supports it, the internal structures can be updated incrementally by sending multiple batches of data (this is equivalent to online learning if the chunks consists of single observations, or to batch learning if the whole data is sent in a single chunk). It is thus possible to perform computations on amounts of data that would not fit into memory or to generate data on-the-fly.

A Node also defines some utility methods, like for example copy and save, that return an exact copy of a node and save it in a file, respectively. Additional methods may be present, depending on the algorithm.

Node subclasses should take care of overwriting (if necessary) the functions is_trainable, _train, _stop_training, _execute, is_invertible, _inverse, _get_train_seq, and _get_supported_dtypes. If you need to overwrite the getters and setters of the node’s properties refer to the docstring of get_input_dim/set_input_dim, get_output_dim/set_output_dim, and get_dtype/set_dtype.


Return a deep copy of the node.

Parameters:protocol – the pickle protocol (deprecated).
execute(x, *args, **kwargs)

Process the data contained in x.

If the object is still in the training phase, the function stop_training will be called. x is a matrix having different variables on different columns and observations on the rows.

By default, subclasses should overwrite _execute to implement their execution phase. The docstring of the _execute method overwrites this docstring.


Return the index of the current training phase.

The training phases are defined in the list self._train_seq.


Return dtype.


Return input dimensions.


Return output dimensions.


Return the number of training phases still to accomplish.

If the node is not trainable then return 0.


Return dtypes supported by the node as a list of :numpy:`dtype` objects.

Note that subclasses should overwrite self._get_supported_dtypes when needed.


Return True if the node has multiple training phases.


Input dimensions

inverse(y, *args, **kwargs)

Invert y.

If the node is invertible, compute the input x such that y = execute(x).

By default, subclasses should overwrite _inverse to implement their inverse function. The docstring of the inverse method overwrites this docstring.

static is_invertible()

Return True if the node can be inverted, False otherwise.

static is_trainable()

Return True if the node can be trained, False otherwise.


Return True if the node is in the training phase, False otherwise.


Output dimensions

save(filename, protocol=-1)

Save a pickled serialization of the node to filename. If filename is None, return a string.

Note: the pickled Node is not guaranteed to be forwards or backwards compatible.


Set internal structures’ dtype.

Perform sanity checks and then calls self._set_dtype(n), which is responsible for setting the internal attribute self._dtype. Note that subclasses should overwrite self._set_dtype when needed.


Set input dimensions.

Perform sanity checks and then calls self._set_input_dim(n), which is responsible for setting the internal attribute self._input_dim. Note that subclasses should overwrite self._set_input_dim when needed.


Set output dimensions.

Perform sanity checks and then calls self._set_output_dim(n), which is responsible for setting the internal attribute self._output_dim. Note that subclasses should overwrite self._set_output_dim when needed.

stop_training(*args, **kwargs)

Stop the training phase.

By default, subclasses should overwrite _stop_training to implement this functionality. The docstring of the _stop_training method overwrites this docstring.


Supported dtypes

train(x, *args, **kwargs)

Update the internal structures according to the input data x.

x is a matrix having different variables on different columns and observations on the rows.

By default, subclasses should overwrite _train to implement their training phase. The docstring of the _train method overwrites this docstring.

Note: a subclass supporting multiple training phases should implement the same signature for all the training phases and document the meaning of the arguments in the _train method doc-string. Having consistent signatures is a requirement to use the node in a flow.

class ResetNode(input_dim=None, output_dim=None, dtype=None)[source]

Bases: botmpy.nodes.base_nodes.TrainingResetMixin, mdp.Node

class TrainingResetMixin[source]

Bases: object

allows mdp.Node to reset to training state

This is a mixin class for subclasses of mdp.Node. To use it inherit from mdp.Node and put this mixin as the first superclass.

node is a mdp.signal_node.Cumulator that can have its training phase reinitialised once a batch of cumulated data has been processed on. This is useful for online algorithms that derive parameters from the batch of data currently under consideration (Ex.: stochastic thresholding).


reset handler, calls the reset hook and resets to training phase

class PCANode(input_dim=None, output_dim=None, dtype=None, svd=False, reduce=False, var_rel=1e-12, var_abs=1e-15, var_part=None)

Bases: mdp.Node

Filter the input data through the most significatives of its principal components.

Internal variables of interest

Mean of the input data (available after training).
Transposed of the projection matrix (available after training).
Variance corresponding to the PCA components (eigenvalues of the covariance matrix).
When output_dim has been specified as a fraction of the total variance, this is the fraction of the total variance that is actually explained.

More information about Principal Component Analysis, a.k.a. discrete Karhunen-Loeve transform can be found among others in I.T. Jolliffe, Principal Component Analysis, Springer-Verlag (1986).

execute(x, n=None)

Project the input on the first ‘n’ principal components. If ‘n’ is not set, use all available components.


Return the fraction of the original variance that can be explained by self._output_dim PCA components. If for example output_dim has been set to 0.95, the explained variance could be something like 0.958... Note that if output_dim was explicitly set to be a fixed number of components, there is no way to calculate the explained variance.


Return the projection matrix.


Return the back-projection matrix (i.e. the reconstruction matrix).

inverse(y, n=None)

Project ‘y’ to the input space using the first ‘n’ components. If ‘n’ is not set, use all available components.


Stop the training phase.

Keyword arguments:

debug=True if stop_training fails because of singular cov
matrices, the singular matrices itselves are stored in self.cov_mtx and self.dcov_mtx to be examined.

Update the internal structures according to the input data x.

x is a matrix having different variables on different columns and observations on the rows.

By default, subclasses should overwrite _train to implement their training phase. The docstring of the _train method overwrites this docstring.

Note: a subclass supporting multiple training phases should implement the same signature for all the training phases and document the meaning of the arguments in the _train method doc-string. Having consistent signatures is a requirement to use the node in a flow.

cluster Module

initialization - clustering of spikes in feature space

class ClusteringNode(dtype=None)[source]

Bases: botmpy.nodes.base_nodes.ResetNode

interface for clustering algorithms

class HomoscedasticClusteringNode(clus_type='kmeans', crange=[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15], repeats=4, sigma_factor=4.0, max_iter=None, conv_thresh=None, alpha=None, cvtype='diag', gof_type='bic', dtype=None, debug=False, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: botmpy.nodes.cluster.ClusteringNode

clustering with model order selection to learn a mixture model

Assuming the data are prewhitened spikes, possibly in some condensed representation e.g. PCA, the problem is to find the correct number of components and their corresponding means. The covariance matrix of all components is assumed to be the same, as the variation in the data is produced by an additive noise process. Further the covariance matrix can be assumed be the identity matrix (or a scaled version due to estimation errors, thus a spherical covariance),

To increase performance, it is assumed all necessary pre-processing has been taken care of already, to assure an optimal clustering performance (e.g.: alignment, resampling, (noise)whitening, etc.)

So we have to find the number of components and their means in a homoscedastic clustering problem. The ‘goodness of fit’ will be evaluated by evaluating a likelihood based criterion that is penalised for an increasing number of model parameters (to prevent overfitting) (ref: BIC). Minimising said criterion will lead to the most likely model.

execute(x, *args, **kwargs)

run the clustering on a set of observations

static gauss_heat_kernel(x, delta=1.0)[source]
plot(data, views=2, show=False, filename=None)[source]

plot clustering

filter_bank Module

implementation of a filter bank consisting of a set of filters

exception FilterBankError[source]

Bases: exceptions.Exception

class FilterBankNode(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: mdp.Node

abstract class that handles filter instances and their outputs

All filters constituting the filter bank have to be of the same temporal extend (Tf) and process the same channel set.

There are two different index sets. One is abbreviated “idx” and one “key”. The “idx” the index of filter in and thus a unique, hashable identifier. Where as the “key” an index in a subset of idx. Ex.: the index for list(self._idx_active_set) would be a “key”.

activate(idx, check=False)[source]

activates a filter in the filter bank

Filters are never deleted, but can be de-/reactivated and will be used respecting there activation state for the filter output of the filter bank.

No effect if idx not in

create_filter(xi, check=True)[source]

adds a new filter to the filter bank

Parameters:xi (ndarray) – template to build the filter for
deactivate(idx, check=False)[source]

deactivates a filter in the filter bank

Filters are never deleted, but can be de-/reactivated and will be used respecting there activation state for the filter output of the filter bank.

No effect if idx not in


Process the data contained in x.

If the object is still in the training phase, the function stop_training will be called. x is a matrix having different variables on different columns and observations on the rows.

By default, subclasses should overwrite _execute to implement their execution phase. The docstring of the _execute method overwrites this docstring.


filter set of active filters

get_filter_set(active=True, mc=True)[source]
get_template_set(active=True, mc=True)[source]
get_xcorrs_at(idx0, idx1=None, shift=0)[source]

number of channels


number of filters

plot_filter_set(ph=None, show=False)[source]

plot the filter set in a waveform plot

plot_template_set(ph=None, show=False)[source]

plot the template set in a waveform plot


plot the template set in a waveform plot

plot_xvft(ph=None, show=False)[source]

plot the Xi vs F Tensor of the filter bank


sets the history to all zeros for all filters


resets the rate estimators for all filters (if applicable)


template set of active filters


temporal filter extend [samples]


cross correlation tensor for active filters

linear_filter Module

filter classes for linear filters in the time domain

exception FilterError[source]

Bases: exceptions.Exception

class FilterNode(tf, nc, ce, chan_set=None, rb_cap=None, dtype=None)[source]

Bases: mdp.Node

linear filter in the time domain

This node applies a linear filter to the data and returns the filtered data. The derivation of the filter (f) from the pattern (xi) is specified in the implementing subclass via the ‘filter_calculation’ classmethod. The template will be averaged from a ringbuffer of observations. The covariance matrix is supplied from an external covariance estimator.

append_xi_buf(wf, recalc=False)[source]

append one waveform to the xi_buffer

  • wf (ndarray) – wavefom data [,]
  • recalc (bool) – if True, call self.calc_filter after appending

initiate a calculation of the filter


covariance estimator


apply the filter to data

extend_xi_buf(wfs, recalc=False)[source]

append an iterable of waveforms to the xi_buffer

  • wfs (iterable of ndarray) – wavefom data [n][,]
  • recalc (bool) – if True, call self.calc_filter after extending

filter (multi-channeled)


filter (concatenated)

fill_xi_buf(wf, recalc=False)[source]

fill all of the xi_buffer with wf

wf : ndarrsay

ndarray of shape (,

recalc : bool

if True, call self.calc_filter after appending

classmethod filter_calculation(xi, ce, cs, *args, **kwargs)[source]


Implement this in a meaningful way in any subclass. The method should return the filter given the multichanneled template xi, the covariance estimator ce and the channel set cs plus any number of optional arguments and keywords. The filter is usually the same shape as the pattern xi.


number of channels

plot_buffer_to_axis(axis=None, idx=None, limits=None)[source]

plots the current buffer on the passed axis handle


sets the history to all zeros


signal to noise ratio (mahalanobis distance)


temporal extend [sample]


template (multi-channeled)


template (concatenated)

class MatchedFilterNode(tf, nc, ce, chan_set=None, rb_cap=None, dtype=None)[source]

Bases: botmpy.nodes.linear_filter.FilterNode

matched filters in the time domain optimise the signal to noise ratio (SNR) of the matched pattern with respect to covariance matrix describing the noise background (deconvolution).

classmethod filter_calculation(xi, ce, cs, *args, **kwargs)[source]
class NormalisedMatchedFilterNode(tf, nc, ce, chan_set=None, rb_cap=None, dtype=None)[source]

Bases: botmpy.nodes.linear_filter.FilterNode

matched filters in the time domain optimise the signal to noise ratio (SNR) of the matched pattern with respect to covariance matrix describing the noise background (deconvolution). Here the deconvolution output is normalised s.t. the response of the pattern is peak of unit amplitude.

classmethod filter_calculation(xi, ce, cs, *args, **kwargs)[source]

prewhiten Module

spike noise prewhitening algorithm

class PrewhiteningNode(ncov=None, dtype=<type 'numpy.float32'>)[source]

Bases: mdp.Node

prewhitens the data with respect to a noise covariance matrix

execute(x, ncov=None)

Process the data contained in x.

If the object is still in the training phase, the function stop_training will be called. x is a matrix having different variables on different columns and observations on the rows.

By default, subclasses should overwrite _execute to implement their execution phase. The docstring of the _execute method overwrites this docstring.

static is_invertible()[source]
static is_trainable()[source]

updates the covariance matrix and recalculates internals

ncov : ndarray

symetric matrix, noise covariance

class PrewhiteningNode2(covest)[source]

Bases: mdp.Node

pre-whitens data with respect to a noise covariance matrix


Process the data contained in x.

If the object is still in the training phase, the function stop_training will be called. x is a matrix having different variables on different columns and observations on the rows.

By default, subclasses should overwrite _execute to implement their execution phase. The docstring of the _execute method overwrites this docstring.

static is_invertible()[source]
static is_trainable()[source]

smoothing Module

smoothing algorithms for multichanneled data

class SmoothingNode(size=5, input_dim=None, dtype=None)[source]

Bases: botmpy.nodes.base_nodes.ResetNode

smooths the data using a gauss kernel of size 5 to 11


Process the data contained in x.

If the object is still in the training phase, the function stop_training will be called. x is a matrix having different variables on different columns and observations on the rows.

By default, subclasses should overwrite _execute to implement their execution phase. The docstring of the _execute method overwrites this docstring.

smooth(signal, window=5, kernel='gauss')[source]

smooth signal with kernel of type kernel and window size window

signal : ndarray

multichanneled signal [data, channel]

window : ndarray

window size of the smoothing filter (len(window) < signal .shape[0])

kernel : ndarray
kernel to use, one of
  • ‘gauss’: least squares
  • ‘box’: moving average

spike_detection Module

detector nodes for multichanneled data

These detecors find features and feature epochs on multichanneled signals. Mostly, you will want to reset the internals of the detector after processing a chunk of data, which is featured by deriving from ResetNode. There are different kinds of detectors, distinguished by their way of feature to noise discrimination.

exception EnergyNotCalculatedError[source]

Bases: exceptions.Exception

EnergyNotCalculatedError Exception

class ThresholdDetectorNode(input_dim=None, output_dim=None, dtype=None, energy_func=None, threshold_func=None, threshold_mode='gt', threshold_base='energy', threshold_factor=1.0, tf=47, min_dist=1, find_max=True, ch_separate=False)[source]

Bases: botmpy.nodes.base_nodes.ResetNode

abstract interface for detecting feature epochs in a signal

The ThresholdDetectorNode is the abstract interface for all detectors. The input signal is assumed to be a (multi-channeled) signal, with data for one channel in each column (or one multi-channeled observation/sample per row).

The output will be a timeseries of detected feature in the input signal. To find the features, the input signal is transformed by applying an operator (called the energy function from here on) that produces an representation of the input signal, which should optimize the SNR of the features vs the remainder of the input signal. A threshold is then applied to this energy representation of the input signal to find the feature epochs.

The output timeseries either holds the onsets of the feature epochs or the maximum of the energy function within the feature epoch, givin in samples.

Extra information about the events or the internals has to be saved in member variables along with a proper interface.

execute(x, **kwargs)

calls self._apply_threshold() and return the events found

get_epochs(cut=None, invert=False, merge=False)[source]

returns epochs based on for the current iteration

cut : (int,int)

Window size of an epoch in samples (befor,after) the event sample. If None, self._tf will be used.

invert : bool

Inverts the epochs, frex to yield noise epochs instead of spike epochs.

merge : bool

Merges overlapping epochs.


ndarray with epochs on the rows [[start,end]]

get_extracted_events(mc=False, align_at=-1, kind='min', rsf=1.0, buffer=False)[source]

yields the extracted spikes

  • mc (bool) – if True, return multichannel events, else return concatenated events. Default=False
  • align_at (int or float) – if a float from (0.0,1.0), determine the align_sample according to that weight. If a positive integer from (0,] use that sample as the align_sample. Default=0.25 *
  • kind (str) – one of “min”, “max”, “energy” or “none”. method to use for alignment, will be passed to the alignment function. Default=’min’
  • rsf (float) – resampling factor (use integer values of powers of 2)
  • buffer (bool) – if True, write to buffer regardless of current buffer state. Default=False

plot detection in mcdata plot

stop_training(*args, **kwargs)

Stop the training phase.

By default, subclasses should overwrite _stop_training to implement this functionality. The docstring of the _stop_training method overwrites this docstring.


Update the internal structures according to the input data x.

x is a matrix having different variables on different columns and observations on the rows.

By default, subclasses should overwrite _train to implement their training phase. The docstring of the _train method overwrites this docstring.

Note: a subclass supporting multiple training phases should implement the same signature for all the training phases and document the meaning of the arguments in the _train method doc-string. Having consistent signatures is a requirement to use the node in a flow.

class SDAbsNode(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: botmpy.nodes.spike_detection.ThresholdDetectorNode

spike detector

energy: absolute of the signal threshold: signal.std

class SDSqrNode(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: botmpy.nodes.spike_detection.ThresholdDetectorNode

spike detector

energy: square of the signal threshold: signal.var

class SDMteoNode(kvalues=[1, 3, 5, 7, 9], quantile=0.98, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: botmpy.nodes.spike_detection.ThresholdDetectorNode

spike detector

energy: multiresolution teager energy operator threshold: energy.std

class SDKteoNode(kvalue=1, quantile=0.98, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: botmpy.nodes.spike_detection.ThresholdDetectorNode

spike detector

energy: teager energy operator threshold: energy.std

class SDIntraNode(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: botmpy.nodes.spike_detection.ThresholdDetectorNode

spike detector

energy: identity threshold: zero

class SDPeakNode(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: botmpy.nodes.spike_detection.ThresholdDetectorNode

spike detector

energy: absolute of the signal threshold: signal.std

spike_sorting Module

implementation of spike sorting with matched filters

See: [1] F. Franke, M. Natora, C. Boucsein, M. Munk, and K. Obermayer. An online spike detection and spike classification algorithm capable of instantaneous resolution of overlapping spikes. Journal of Computational Neuroscience, 2009 [2] F. Franke, ... , 2012, The revolutionary BOTM Paper

class FilterBankSortingNode(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: botmpy.nodes.filter_bank.FilterBankNode

abstract class that handles filter instances and their outputs

This class provides a pipeline structure to implement spike sorting algorithms that operate on a filter bank. The implementation is done by implementing the self._pre_filter, self._post_filter, self._pre_sort, self._sort_chunk and self._post_sort methods with meaning full processing. After the filter steps the filter output is present and can be processed on. Input data can be partitioned into chunks of smaller size.


Process the data contained in x.

If the object is still in the training phase, the function stop_training will be called. x is a matrix having different variables on different columns and observations on the rows.

By default, subclasses should overwrite _execute to implement their execution phase. The docstring of the _execute method overwrites this docstring.

plot_sorting(ph=None, show=False)[source]

plot the sorting of the last data chunk

  • ph (plot handle) – plot handle top use for the plot
  • show (bool) – if True, call
plot_sorting_waveforms(ph=None, show=False, **kwargs)[source]

plot the waveforms of the sorting of the last data chunk

  • ph (plot handle) – plot handle to use for the
  • show (bool) – if True, call

yield the gdf representing the current sorting

spikes_u(u, mc=True, exclude_overlaps=True, overlap_window=None, align_at=-1, align_kind='min', align_rsf=1.0)[source]

yields the spike for the u-th filter

  • u (int) – index of the filter # CHECK THIS
  • mc (bool) – if True, return spikes multi-channeled, else return spikes concatenated Default=True
  • exclude_overlaps (bool) – if True, exclude overlap spike
  • overlap_window (int) – if exclude_overlaps is True, this will define the overlap range, if None set overlap_window=self._tf. Default=None
class AdaptiveBayesOptimalTemplateMatchingNode(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: botmpy.nodes.spike_sorting.BayesOptimalTemplateMatchingNode

Adaptive BOTM Node

adaptivity here means,backwards sense, that known templates and covariances are adapted local temporal changes. In the forward sense a parallel spike detection is matched to find currently unidenified units in the data.

execute(x, ex_st=None)

Process the data contained in x.

If the object is still in the training phase, the function stop_training will be called. x is a matrix having different variables on different columns and observations on the rows.

By default, subclasses should overwrite _execute to implement their execution phase. The docstring of the _execute method overwrites this docstring.

resampled_mean_dist(spks1, spks2)[source]

Caclulate distance of resampled means from two sets of spikes

class BayesOptimalTemplateMatchingNode(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: botmpy.nodes.spike_sorting.FilterBankSortingNode

FilterBanksSortingNode derivative for the BOTM algorithm

Can use two implementations of the Bayes Optimal Template-Matching (BOTM) algorithm as presented in [2]. First implementation uses explicitly constructed overlap channels for the extend of the complete input signal, the other implementation uses subtractive interference cancellation (SIC) on epochs of the signal, where the template discriminants are greater the the noise discriminant.

component_divergence(obs, with_noise=False, loading=False, subdim=None)[source]

component probabilities under the model

  • obs (ndarray) – observations to be evaluated [n, tf, nc]
  • with_noise (bool) – if True, include the noise cluster as component in the mixture. Default=False
  • loading (bool) – if True, use the loaded matrix Default=False
  • subdim (int) – dimensionality of subspace to build the inverse over. if None ignore Default=None
Return type:



divergence from means of current filter bank[n, c]

copy = <module 'copy' from '/usr/lib/python2.7/copy.pyc'>
posterior_prob(obs, with_noise=False)[source]

posterior probabilities for data under the model

  • obs (ndarray) – observations to be evaluated [n, tf, nc]
  • with_noise (bool) – if True, include the noise cluster as component in the mixture. Default=False
Return type:



matrix with per component posterior probabilities [n, c]


alias of BayesOptimalTemplateMatchingNode


alias of AdaptiveBayesOptimalTemplateMatchingNode